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Q: What is the right way to do an asynchronous call to fetch a JSON payload using Retrofit 2.0? I was trying to learn how to use Retrofit for an Android app, but the example they gave at the official site in the following link: https://futurestud.io/tutorials/retrofit-tutorial-part-3-asynchronous-networking does not make sense. For example, if I'm retrieving some JSON data from a server using retrofit, it should look like this: @GET("/data.json") Call dataResponse() And then, I should implement the callback like this: dataResponse().enqueue(new Callback() { @Override public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) { if (response.isSuccessful()) { Data data = response.body(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable t) { } }); When you send the request using it will create a request with the following body: { "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123", "data": [{ "name": "data", "state": "123", "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" } }, { "name": "data", "state": "123", "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" } }] } } I thought that it could be done as follows: interface ListModel { String name; String state; List data; } interface Data { String name; String state; List data; } class DataService { private static final String BASE_URL = ""; private List get(String... params) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); for(String param : params) { String uri = String.format("get?%s=%s", param, param); Call call = HttpClient.getHttp().getCall(uri); try { list = call.execute().body(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return list; } class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // Get JSON from API and parse it using GSON Call> call = new RetrofitInstance(DataService.class) .get(new String[]{"data", "id", "2"}, new String[]{"name", "state", "data"}); call.enqueue(new Callback>() { @Override public void onResponse(Call> call, Response> response) { if (response.isSuccessful()) { List models = response.body(); // Do something with models } else { // handle error String error = response.errorBody().string(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Call> call, Throwable t) { } }); } } class RetrofitInstance { public static Retrofit getRetrofitInstance() { return Retrofit.Builder() .baseUrl(BASE_URL) .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()) .build(); } } And I was going to parse the JSON in the RetrofitInstance class like this: JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonString); Gson gson = new Gson(); DataModel dataModel = gson.fromJson(jsonObject.toString(), DataModel.class); List dataList = dataModel.getData(); But, in this case, the JSON is not properly parsed. The JSON that is sent from the server is different from what I'm expecting. It looks like this: { "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123", "data": [{ "name": "data", "state": "123", "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" } }], "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123", "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" } }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123", "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" }, "data": { "name": "data", "state": "123" },