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1. Introduction {#
/* * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _MACHO_LOADER_H_ #define _MACHO_LOADER_H_ /* * Loader-data (ld) Section - as emitted in bsd_linkedit.h */ struct nlist { union { char *n_name; /* object name */ long n_strx; /* index into the string table */ } n_un; long n_desc; /* description field */ }; #define N_UNDF 0 /* undefined */ #define N_ABS 1 /* absolute */ #define N_PBUD 2 /* paged virtual */ #define N_SECT 3 /* sectioned */ #define N_PBRS 4 /* physical boundary */ #define N_LDR 5 /* bound low */ #define N_EXPB 6 /* expansion bound */ #define N_BRS 7 /* boundary */ #define N_PBRA 8 /* prebound address */ #define N_MAX 9 /* same as N_TEXT above */ /* * The first 10 entries in the above table are the same as the text symbol table * entries used in the first 10 entries of the file's symbol table. */ #define N_NOW 11 /* undefined now */ #define N_FLAG 12 /* flag register */ #define N_VERS 13 /* version register */ #define N_SET 14 /* section set register */ #define N_LCBB 15 /* line-count bound-low register */ #define N_PCBB 16 /* page-count bound-low register */ #define N_SCB 17 /* section count register */ #define N_LCMB 18 /* line-count modulo bound-low register */ #define N_PCM 19 /* page-count modulo bound-low register */ #define N_LCM 20 /* line-count modulo register */ #define N_PMC 21 /* page-count modulo register */ #define N_SYM 22 /* symbol table register */ #define N_NCACHE 23 /* no-cache bit (obsolete) */ #define N_NTYP 24 /* number of defined types (not spaces) */ /* * The symbol table entry is composed of 4 parts: * - a 3-character index to a string table (the same string table used for ld * output sections), * - a 4-character index into the relocation table, * - a 2-character index into the define table, and * - a 4-character index into the indirect symbol table. */ struct syment { union { char *sym_string; /* Symbol's name (index into string table) */ unsigned char sym_char; /* Symbol's character */ unsigned char rela_char; /* Relocation's character */ unsigned char indx_char; /* Indirect symbol's character */ } sym_un; union { unsigned int sym_type; /* Symbol's type (see const char *) */ unsigned int sym_offset; /* Symbol's offset in the object */ } sym_val; unsigned int sym_len; /* Symbol's length */ }; #define SYM_STRING_LENGTH 3 #define SYM_OFFSET 4 #define SYM_TYPE 5 #define SYM_LEN 6 /* * Symbol table entries are grouped into sets of three symbols. At least one of * the three symbols has an index into the define table. This encodes the * binding of the three symbol types. * * table bind type * ------ ----- ---- * def local extern * def global extern * def weak extern * * The weak symbol type is defined as a special type (i.e. non-negative * value in the `type' field) if and only if the other two symbols are of * extern type. * * This information is used to fill in the link edit and to lay out indented * external data objects, which are formed by recursive calls to lay out * smaller pieces of external data, each of which is identified by the offset * of the external data (which is also included in the symbol table entry). */ /* * The first level groups all local symbols, i.e. all symbols with an index * into the define table that is a small positive integer. The second level * groups all local extern symbols and all extern symbols that are defined to * be global. The third level groups all local extern symbols that are weak * (i.e. negative). * * The extern symbols in the second and third levels are the ones that are * included in an external data object. These symbols are the weak ones if and * only if the local symbols are local extern and weak, and thus, correspond to * the second level of local symbols, but they can also be the other way around, * if there are no local extern symbols. Note that there may be a maximum of one * weak symbol for each second level of external data. * * We group the strong extern symbols with a special case, because otherwise the * first two levels of external data could be of different sizes, which would be * wrong. */ #define EXTERN(a) (((unsigned char)((a)&1)<<6) | (a)) #define STRONG_WEAK_BIND 0x01 /* strong extern, weak bound */ #define STRONG_LOCAL_BIND 0x02 /* strong extern, local bound */ #define EXTERN_BIND 0x04 /* extern, no special bind */ #define EXTERN_WEAK_BIND 0x08 /* extern, weak bound */ #define EXTERN_LOCAL_BIND 0x10 /* extern, local bound */ /* * The three fields in a syment data structure encode the binding of the three * symbol types. We have just discussed the strong extern and the weak extern * symbols, so we only have to discuss the local extern symbol type here. * * The encoding of the local extern binding is a 3-bit bit field containing the * local extern, strong extern and weak extern symbols. The bit field is used as * follows: * - The first bit is always zero. * - If there is a strong extern, the second bit is zero, and the third bit * is one if and only if the symbol is weak (extern). * - If there is no strong extern symbol, the second bit is one. * - If there is no symbol at all, i.e. the symbol is to be emitted in a * compilation only DSO, the second bit is zero. * * This allows any external data object to be bound as a local extern data * object. It also allows more than one object to be bound as a local extern * object. * * Note that the local extern binding need not necessarily be constant if it is * not to be emitted as a compilation only DSO. This means that a section may * have weak local extern symbols, even if its index symbol table entry has a * value of 0 (i.e. NULL