What it was like f
We'll Make You Pay
It Could All Backf
We’ve looked into
Disney bedtime pho
Eruption of Volcan
Don't Bite the Han
It Will Be My Reve
Girls Gone Wilderbutdub.com/vice-news-series/the-vice-guide-to-bangkok-part-one/
I can tell that the author of this post is not a native speaker of English,
Hi Kleiba, first of all sorry for my bad English. I'm not a native speaker of
English but I hope my writing is clear enough. I tried to present a clear and
straight forward way for foreigners visiting and living in Bangkok but not
give the impression that I'm an expert.
It's not your writing that worries me - most foreigners in Thailand do not
speak good English, and can't understand a single word in this article.
That's the problem with language and communication in general: those who can
use it best often can't be understood by the rest.
This is what I expect from Vice in the future. Some people say it's overdone,
it's too negative. This is different, it's something to look forward to for
Vice's Bangkok guide, and now the guide to a city by a hostel...
But we need to have a resource for which cities are covered and the guide's
The guide[1] is actually a pretty good intro to Bangkok, and not at all like
Vice's usual stuff.
1\. [http://thevice.com/bangkok](http://thevice.com/bangkok)
I recently posted a few photos from a trip I took in Bangkok that might
interest you.
Wrong thread.
A video version of the article:
I am from Mumbai, now in the US on H1B visa. I am hoping to visit Bangkok next
year. Will this article help me ?
Hi Senthil, thanks for your question. Yes, it will help you for the Thai
culture and the food if you want to visit the city. But if you're looking for
information on nightlife, shopping and the local authorities, then you might
need to do some research.
thats good to know :)
I wish they could find someone to do this for NYC.
I've lived in Bangkok for about six months. I definitely get the vibe that the
author is trying to convey and if I had to, I would agree. I'm from Melbourne
but I would love to go back and enjoy Bangkok more.
However, as a whole, I think that Bangkok is an amazing place. It's very rare
that I hear a negative thing about the place. There are some crazy scams and
other issues that come with being abroad but the positives definitely outway
the negatives.
When you say "scams" (which is usually not the correct word for a scam), you
probably mean the scams used by tuk-tuk drivers to overcharge tourists (in
Bangkok, not in general, though). They're known as "taxi rip-off"s. They are
also found in London and other big cities like Munich and Berlin (I remember
stories from my childhood about what my uncle had to go through when he got
into one of these "accidents" with a taxi driver in London). I've seen
suggestions on how to avoid getting into one of these things in London. Here
they are "Taxi rip-offs: How to avoid the fraudsters"
fraudsters). They could also be seen as "scams", depending on how they are
handled. Of course, it's also no picnic to be in a tuk-t