Create a Little Ch
Neanderthal Man
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My Word Is My Bond
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Back From The Outb
A Very Simple Plan
This Has Never Hap
Old and New Bonds
A Closer Look
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Prenuptial Escape
The Sea Slug Slugg
Retirement and Ben
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Shark Attack
The Ultimate Shock
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The best chia pet is one that doesn't dry out and is always soft and ready for use. This is an easy way to add chia to your diet. ### Oatmeal Oatmeal is another great grain-based food. It provides fiber and protein, and can be eaten in a variety of ways. Here are some options: * Quick oats. These can be cooked quickly or cold, eaten as a cereal or added to smoothies. * Old-fashioned oats. These are best when cooked on the stove in a saucepan or in a slow cooker overnight or in a slow cooker, which does not require any stirring. * Steel-cut oats. These have the texture of old-fashioned oats but are cut into small pieces. * Instant oatmeal. This is perfect for those who like instant meals. For convenience, I find instant oatmeal that does not need to be reconstituted is ideal, so it can be used in recipes or on its own. ### Brown Rice Brown rice is a great addition to a healthy diet. It is high in fiber, protein, and other nutrients. It is naturally full of antioxidants, B vitamins, and zinc, so it helps lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of certain cancers. It is a good source of manganese, iron, and copper, as well as magnesium and phosphorus. Brown rice has a lower glycemic index than white rice because it contains more fiber and more vitamins. ### Whole Grain Tortillas There are so many options when it comes to whole grain tortillas, but some of the best include: * Whole wheat flour. This is the most nutritious option because it contains no added oils or preservatives. This flour is important if you want to include whole grains and avoid white flour products. * Corn. Corn can be eaten fresh as corn on the cob or dried for use as cornmeal. ### Pasta Pasta can be a great addition to the diet because it's inexpensive and available in large quantities. Fresh pasta also adds variety to a diet. There are many types to choose from: * Spaghetti. This is made with wheat or durum wheat. * Couscous. Couscous is a whole grain pasta with a small, round shape. ### Popcorn Popcorn is delicious and can be eaten as a snack. It can be made in a regular or air popper, but it can also be bought packaged in bags. Add a pinch of healthy seasonings, like a little cinnamon and cumin for flavor, to turn the popcorn into a snack that's good for you. ### Buckwheat Buckwheat, also known as buck wheat, is another whole grain product that is high in protein and fiber. It's high in vitamins A and B and is also rich in vitamin E, calcium, and manganese. It's best eaten in a toasted form, like granola or soba noodles, because it can become gummy if it isn't chewed well. ### Quinoa Quinoa is also a whole grain that has many benefits. It is high in fiber and protein. It contains B vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. It is also an excellent source of vitamin E. ### Millet Millet is a highly nutritious grain that has many uses. It is a good source of B vitamins, protein, and fiber. It is particularly high in magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. ### Flour As I've mentioned previously, flours include wheat, spelt, and oats. Each can be purchased plain or with added flavorings. ### Quinoa Flour There is no reason you shouldn't include a little flour in your diet. Quinoa flour is becoming a popular substitute for whole wheat flour because it doesn't have the same effects on the body. Some people find it easier to add a small amount of ground quinoa to recipes than to start substituting at the beginning. When making pancakes, for example, I simply substitute about 25 percent of the flour with the quinoa flour. Flours have been a staple for centuries and have long played a part in cooking for both health and flavor. Including them in your diet is healthy and fun, too. ### Bread Bread, especially homemade, provides many benefits. It provides a great source of fiber, B vitamins, iron, and calcium. Bread is also high in protein, which is a key nutrient for growth and development. However, it should be eaten in moderation. Make sure your bread is made with whole grains that are minimally processed and that contain a minimal amount of refined flours. ## Healthy Quick Meals Most people have only a few minutes to prepare for a quick meal. Fortunately, it is possible to prepare a healthy quick meal by just following a few steps. First, think about portion sizes. A large breakfast is likely to be much larger than a small dinner. ### Whole Grains * ¼ cup rolled oats * ½ cup quinoa * ½ cup wild rice * ½ cup whole wheat flour * 1 small apple * ⅔ cup popcorn ### Vegetables * ½ cucumber * 1 tomato * 2 cups baby greens * 1 cup broccoli florets ### Fruit * ½ apple * 1 peach * ½ mango Mix it all together and store in a large, sealable freezer bag. It can be taken with you for a quick meal. In order to ensure you do not go too far in the other direction, be mindful about portion control and portion size, so you have room for dessert. ## Whole Grains Foods made from whole grains, particularly those rich in whole grain wheat and brown rice, have a variety of healthy benefits. They are rich in fiber, iron, calcium, and zinc. The B vitamins and magnesium found in whole grains make them useful to help a variety of health conditions. They are also low in calories, making them a good choice for anyone looking to cut calories. #### Benefits of Whole Grains Whole grains are high in fiber, which is a vital nutrient for digestive health and proper elimination. They provide a lot of the nutrients your body needs and are a great way to satisfy your hunger and stay full for long periods of time. While certain food groups, such as breads and pastas, contain large amounts of carbohydrate, it's essential to eat whole grains in moderation because they provide much of the fiber you need to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions that are related to high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. #### Whole Grains' Nutrient Composition **Amino acid profile** Because of their high fiber content, whole grains contain proteins that contain many of the essential amino acids that your body requires. **Fiber** Whole grains have more fiber than refined grains. They also contain lignin, a group of plant cell walls that can block some of the nutrients in your food and may affect the absorption of other nutrients as well. **Essential minerals** Whole grains contain important minerals that can be lost when they are refined. These include iron, magnesium, copper, and zinc. **Selenium** Selenium is essential for good health. Its deficiency is associated with some cancers and heart disease, as well as an increased risk of diabetes. In fact, the World Health Organization has deemed that people who consume less than 60 micrograms of selenium per day should be considered at risk for selenium deficiency. **Wheat bran** Whole grain wheat bran is one of the highest sources of fiber available in a food. It contains a good amount of vitamin B1, vitamin E, and selenium. It is also a good source of iron. ## Whole Grains These recipes are for dishes that are easy and fun to prepare for children and adults alike. Some dishes are a great way to include whole grains in a dish while also adding good flavor. Other dishes are simple enough to make in a few minutes. _Spinach and Tomato Frittata_ _Chicken with Vegetables_ _Kids' Cinnamon-Dusted Baked Beans_ _Ravioli with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce_ _Chicken and Mango Curry_ _Homemade Chicken Nuggets_ ## Spinach and Tomato Frittata This is a low-calorie, healthful breakfast that's easy to make. It is full of fiber and nutrients. ** _Preparation time:_** 5 minutes ** _Cook time:_** 25 minutes ** _Yield:_** 4 servings Ingredients * * * 4 whole eggs, lightly beaten * * * ½ teaspoon salt * * * ½ teaspoon ground black pepper * * * 1 medium tomato, chopped * * * 1 medium onion, chopped * * * 2 garlic cloves, minced * * * 1 bag baby spinach, washed and chopped 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. In a medium bowl, combine eggs, salt, and pepper. Mix well. 3. In a 10-