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I Was Born at Nigh
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Get to Gettin'
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Knights of the Rou
Philosopher of the apocalypse_ Milton, John | _Pilgrim's progress_ Milvian Bridge, battle of | Nero fights Mark Antony and Octavian Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin | _l'école des femmes_ Montherlant, Henry de | _Athalie_ Moore, Thomas | _A vei_ More, Hannah | _The life of Mrs. Mary Astell_ Morris, William | _News from Nowhere_ Nero | _Poisons_ Newton, Isaac | _Principia_ Nietzsche, Friedrich | _Thus Spoke Zarathustra_ Offenbach, Jacques | _La Belle Hélène_ Palladas | _Erotika Biblion_ Pascal, Blaise | _Pensées_ Petronius, Gaius, Arbiter | _Satyricon_ Philostratus, Flavius | _Life of Apollonius of Tyana_ Plato | _The Apology_ Pliny the elder | _Naturalis historia_ Pliny the Younger | _Historia naturalis_ Plutarch | _Lives_ Polo, Marco | _Le Devisement du monde_ Propertius, Sextus, Cornelius, Sextus | _Epigrams_ Pythagoras | _The Golden Verses of Pythagoras_ Quakers | _The Rise and Progress of Society in England, and the Religions_ Rabelais, François | _Les festins de pierre_ Raleigh, Sir Walter | _The prose romance of the piteous history of Gui._ Rapin, René | _Histoire d'Angleterre_ Rasselas | _The Prince of Abyssinia_ Regulus | _Natural history_ Regulus (Cicero) | _Letters_ Renan, Ernest | _History of the cathedrals of France_ Ribbing, Gustaf | _Wise Men of Gotham_ Robin, Abbé d' | _Les poésies du troubadour Rutebeuf_ Robinson, Edwin Arlington | _The pirate_ Ronsard, Pierre de | _Discourse on the art of poetry_ Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | _Du contrat social_ Sackville-West, Vita | _The gateway to the sea_ Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy de | _Memoirs of Louis XVIII_ Sappho | _Poems_ Shelley, Percy Bysshe | _Alastor, The Revolt of Islam, The Cenci_ Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft | _Frankenstein, Zastrozzi, Lodore_ Sophocles | _The King Oedipus_ Spenser, Edmund | _The Faerie Queene_ Steinlen, Théophile | _Les Petites Marguerites_ Stephen, Leslie | _L'Histoire de la nuit_ Stephen, James Fitzjames | _History of the Criminal Law_ Stevenson, Robert Louis | _Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde_ Suetonius | _The Twelve Caesars_ Tennyson, Alfred, Lord | _The Princess_ Tertullian | _To the Martyrs_ Thucydides | _The Peloponnesian War_ Tiberius | _The Germania_ Tibullus | _Poems_ Tocqueville, Alexis de | _The Old Regime and the Revolution_ Tolstoy, Leo | _War and peace_ Valla, Laurentius | _On Voluntary Servitude_ Varro | _De Re Rustica_ Virgil | _Aeneid_ Voltaire | _Philosophical Dictionary_ Wakefield, Edward Gibbon | _Apologia pro vita sua_ Weinsberg, George | _The wonderful tales of Hudibras_ White, Andrew | _Criticism of poetry_ Whitman, Walt | _Leaves of grass_ Wilde, Oscar | _The picture of Dorian Gray_ Winchester, James, bishop of | _The Waverly novels_ Wood, William | _A supplement to Dr. James's history of medicine_ Xenophon | _Anabasis_ Zeno of Cittium | _A treatise against the art of rhetoric_ Zeno, Zoilus | _Against those who abuse poetry_ Zwingli | _A collection of hymns_ # _Index of Biblical Names_ Abram, –3, Absalom, Adam, , , , –18, , , , , , , , , , , , , –8, –14, , , , –3, –8, , , , , , , , , , , Eve, Adam and Eve, –7, Ahasuerus, –8 Ahasuerus, King, Ahab, , Alcmaeon, –5 Alexander, , , , , –90, , –15, , , –8, , , , , , –8 Alexander the Great, , , Alexander of Macedon, , –7, Allah, –4, –9, –7, , –5, –8, –14, –6, , –4, –9 Amos, Ananias, –5 Anaximander, Anaximenes, Annas and Caiaphas, –3 Anna of Byzantium, Antaeus, Aphrodite, Apollo, , –7, , , , –9, –7, , , , –9 Apollonius of Tyana, –6 Archimedes, –7 Archytas, –5 Argo, , Arimaspes, –4 Aristarchus, –4, , Aristeas, –3 Aristophanes, , , –6, , Aristotle, –7, –90, , , , , –6, , , –4, –12, , , , , –9, –6, –8, –9, , , –8, , , , , –15 Arius, Artabanus, –4, Asclepius, Asia Minor, –50, , , –4, , , , , , –4, –8, , –8, –8, –6, –6 Assemblies of God, Assyria, –60 Augustine, St., Augustus, , , , –3, –3, –9, , , –8, –8, , –5, , –2, , , Aurelius, Marcus, –40 Averroes, Azazel, –6 Babel, –50, Balaam, , –5 Bartholomew, St., –50 Bathtub, –4 Beecher, Henry Ward, –3, –7, –3 Behemoth, –6 Belloc, Hilaire, –2 Bible, , –5, –90, , , , , , –4, –8, , , , , , , , –8, , , –7, –12, , , , , , –15, , –31, , –2 Bismarck, Otto von, Boleyn, Anne, , –12 Boreas, Bradford, Mabel Loomis Todd, –17 Brutus, –6, , , , –5 Caligula, , , , –3, –6, , –4 Calvin, John, , –8, , , –16, , , –4, , –3, –3, –5, –6, –4, –5, , –9, , –9, , , , –3, , –5, , –11, , –17, –1 Calypso, Cambyses, Cassius, , , –4 Chadwick, Hector, –6 China, , China Minor, Chrysostom, St., Church of England, , –8, –6, , –2, , , , Circumcision, ,