Never enough time
A Slippery Little
The Best and Worst
Reinventing How Th
On this day, in
Tonight, We Make O
As a bonus:
The Most Deserving

Capital investment
The Puppet Master
That'll learn 'em
Vibe of the Tribe
Exclude all CAPTCH
While the Cats are
Want to See the El
Like diamond rings
The Great Divide, 09 Sep 2017 17:47:03 +0000 I was asked to bake a cake for someone’s birthday. The request was a little unusual. But, I have a hard time saying no to any of my friends. But, I can say, that baking cakes for others (I love doing that), is not something that is in my comfort zone. Even if baking cakes is not […] Recently I was asked to bake a cake for someone’s birthday. The request was a little unusual. But, I have a hard time saying no to any of my friends. But, I can say, that baking cakes for others (I love doing that), is not something that is in my comfort zone. Even if baking cakes is not my thing, I still wanted to do it for this person. Even though it seemed so different, I found myself trying to make the cake look as like a human hand made it. In the past, I had the chance to have seen a cake made by one of my friends’ mother and knew what the cake looked like and how it was made. So, this time, I decided to get my kitchen tools ready and try to make a beautiful looking cake with my creative mind. Here are some of the pictures of the cake I made, hope you enjoy it! Baking is not really something that I feel I am great at and I want to learn how to be better in this part of cooking. Recently, I tried to do it using AISuperCube, a robotic chef, to bake my own cake. I know, I know, what a strange idea, but hear me out. While I love baking cakes myself, sometimes I don’t always feel like I have all the time to do it. Also, I am a bit of a lazy cook when it comes to cooking and making the food myself. But, recently I learned about AISuperCube and AIBots and their ability to interact with people (not me though, haha!) and interact with our recipes. This meant that even I could create a recipe with it and this was a recipe to make a cake! I was very excited about the idea. Before I learned about AIBots, I had no idea that this kind of interactions were possible. But once you know about it, I think the idea of an “AI” (Artificial Intelligence) making my cake for me seemed pretty exciting! So, I decided to give it a try. The idea was a bit daunting for me at first, but in the end I decided to give it a try. What would happen if I gave the AIBot the same recipe as in my mind? It would do as the recipe said, it was written, and only the process of making it would need to be a bit different, right? Maybe the only thing that would change would be the process of making the cake, as the baker would not be in the same process as I am. All the ingredients would be just like any other cake. Once I learned how to interact with the baker, I created my cake recipe for myself. It had some difficulties, but since I was willing to practice for this experiment I was ready to see how I would do. I ended up making a cake with the recipe for my other cake – in a way. So, it was kind of like making the “fake” cake but it was interesting to see what I could do. Below are some pictures of my cake once it was done (with “help” of a few bakers) and then the recipe that I used with the steps of how to interact with the baker in a few different ways: Here is the link to the cake recipe I used with the instructions and visual aid of how to interact with the baker. Enjoy! Now, I have to say that I did not think the process of the cake going to my house, doing it, and getting it back was going to work out that well. But, in the end it did. The first time it came, I was at work. It took some time for it to come to my house (it was late in the afternoon and I had not asked it to go yet). Once it arrived, I realized I could tell it to go back to its home, so it would not stay in the backyard, as I would want it to do a lot more in the next steps of the process. Then, once I wanted to see how I was going to interact with it the next time, and that is when I started interacting with it just like one would interact with a person. And so, I was ready to make the cake that it had asked me to make for me. It was a pretty cute feeling to have it interact with me. Then, it started asking me questions about where I wanted the cake to go. I was not sure how it would do it. But, it actually picked up the cake in the middle and it took it to where it was supposed to go. The next time it came to me it was just like with the first time: It took the cake, it came to my backyard, it started to make the cake on my tablet with my phone, then I wanted to see how I was going to tell it to do things again, but then I saw that the AIBot was a bit curious and made the cake on its own. It was a pretty awesome feeling, and an even better feeling was to see that it made a cake that looked like it did when it made it on its own. Overall, it was a good experience. But now, after this experience, I realized that maybe I will not need to always bake cakes for myself, but only cake mixes. So, thanks to AISuperCube, a cooking robot, I can make a cake whenever I want, and with whoever I want too. That’s pretty cool. As usual, if you have any questions about this, or anything else you would like me to write about in the future, please let me know! If you have more ideas for experiments or want me to experiment with something for you, just let me know too. 🙂 ]]>’m Learning To Cook – Artichoke Spinach Lasagna Recipe with Video Tutorial, 06 Sep 2019 17:44:46 +0000, before I start this post I should say that I made this post on Sunday but had some trouble getting my video to work properly and figured that I would just wait until tomorrow and post it today. So I went on to make it last night and it was pretty good. And so, […]]]> So, before I start this post I should say that I made this post on Sunday but had some trouble getting my video to work properly and figured that I would just wait until tomorrow and post it today. So I went on to make it last night and it was pretty good. And so, today I am posting it. I will try to keep updating it as much as I can so that you have a good base of recipes to work with that you can get used to cooking at home. For today’s recipe, I am sharing my lasagna recipe. This dish is a fun one to make and it makes a good lunch if you do not feel like making a big meal, but you still want to make something substantial to enjoy. So, let’s get to it! First, let me talk about what this recipe is and how you can make it at home. Then I will post the recipe for the lasagna and I hope you will give it a try! What is Lasagna? Lasagna is a typical Italian pasta dish, and a lot of different kinds of this dish exist all around the world. There is lasagna asian, which is from Asia. There is lasagna c