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Pro+ Categories
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Amazon Redux * Amazon RDS * Amazon Route 53 * Amazon S3 * Amazon SimpleDB * Amazon SNS * Amazon SQS * Amazon SWF * Athena * Elastic MapReduce * Elastic Beanstalk * Elastic Load Balancer * Elastic Beanstalk DataSource * Elastic Beanstalk Service * Elastic Load Balancer Service * Elastic MapReduce Service * Elastic Transcoder * GameLift * Glacier * Google App Engine * Google Cloud BigTable * Google Cloud Dataflow * Google Cloud Endpoints * Google Cloud Storage * Google Cloud SQL * Hadoop-related services * IAM * Identity and Access Management * IoT devices and services, IoT * Machine Learning services, Machine Learning * Memorystore * MongoDB * NATS * Network Performance * OpsWorks * Packet Capture * Pipelines * Prediction Services * Qubole * Relational Databases * Relational Databases Service * Serverless computing and Functions * Serverless computing and Functions, FaaS * Serverless computing and Functions, Lambdas * Serverless networking * Serverless networking, Fargate, ECS, Fargate, ECS, Fargate, SQS * Serverless networking, Lambda * Serving the front end * Simple Queue Service * Spinnaker * Terraform * Terraform, VPC Service * Terraform, API Management Service * Transit Gateway * Transcribe * Transcribe, Google Speech API * AWS IoT Device * AWS IoT Greengrass * AWS IoT Jobs * AWS IoT Things * AWS IoT * AWS X-Ray * Compute-In-Place * Concurrent jobs * Compute instances (Fargate) * Control flow * Controllers, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service * Continuous Deployment (CD) * Containers, Amazon Elastic Container Registry, Kinesis Data Firehose, Amazon EMR, AWS Key Management Service, AWS Security Services, AWS Storage Gateway, AWS Storage Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon CloudFront, AWS Kinesis, AWS Lambda, AWS Lambda, AWS OpsWorks * Controlling service instances * Copying data in buckets * Correlations * Cost Analysis * Cost of Data * Cosmos DB * Counting Data * Currency Conversion * Data Aggregation * Data Access, RDS * Data Analysis, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS Data Pipeline, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon Elastic MapReduce, AWS Glue, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, Amazon Elastic MapReduce, AWS DMS, Amazon Kinesis Streams, Amazon S3, Amazon Kinesis Video * Data Pipeline, AWS * Data Science and AI * Database Maintenance * Data Lake * Data Processing * Data Storage, AWS * Datapipeline, Fargate * Database Services * DB Migration * DB Storage * Datawarehouses * DataVisualization * Data Warehousing * DDB, data-driven applications * Device Farm * DevOps * Distributed execution * Domain Name Servers (DNS) * Drill * Elastic IPs * EMR, AWS * Engine Yard * Firewall Rules * Flume * Forecasting * Gantt Charts * Geolocation * Geographical * Github * Graphical Analysis, Dashboards * Hadoop * High Performance Computing * Heat Maps * HTML5 * Horizon * HPC Computing Service, Amazon Corral, Glue, QLDB, EMR, HPC, AWS, Hadoop, Hortonworks, Impala, Spark * Import-Export * Ingress * Internet of Things * Internet of Things Analytics * Internet of Things, Hadoop * Internet of Things, Sensors and Devices * Interactive visualizations * Invoicing * Log Files * Mail-Delivery * Mapping * Master Data Management * Matlab * Multi-Cluster Data Processing * Node.js * Notifications * PDF Reports * Perl * Processor and System * Processor Performance Monitoring, CPU Usage * Processor utilization * Procedures * Qubole * Realtime Performance Dashboard, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Athena, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis Video, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon CloudSearch, AWS Lambda * Recovering data * Records and Records Delivery * Refresh Analytics and Forecasting, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Glue, Amazon ML, Amazon Redshift, Amazon ML, BigQuery, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Sumerian, Amazon QLDB, Amazon AppConfig, Amazon Athena, AWS EventBridge, CloudWatch * Relational Database Services * Relational Database Services (RDS) * Remote Control Services * Remote Data Warehousing * Resource Scheduling * Rendered Images * Resource Metering * Searching and Text Analysis * Semaphore * Service Mesh * Site Reliability * Source Code, Amazon S3, AWS CodeCommit * Spot * Spot Instances * Spot Instances * Stored Procedures * Storage Gateway * Storage Gateway Encryption * Storage Services * Storage and Management * Support Services * Syslog * System Utilization Dashboard, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon CloudWatch * System Usage * Taps * Telemetry * Terraform (Terraform), Configuration Management Services, CloudWatch Events, CloudWatch, CloudFront, CloudWatch Logs, CloudFormation, AWS Key Management Service, AWS Lambda, AWS Lightsail, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon S3, Amazon SimpleDB, AWS Config, Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Elastic Block Storage (Amazon EBS), Elastic Beanstalk, DynamoDB, ECS, EMR, Elastic Transcoder, CloudFront, Elastic Load Balancing, Alexa For Business, Alexa Voice Service (AVS), AWS S3 Glacier, Google App Engine, Google Cloud Dataproc, Google App Engine, Google Container Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Functions, Google Compute Engine, AWS SNS, AWS Kinesis, AWS Kinesis Firehose, AWS Kinesis Streams, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon EC2, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, Amazon Kinesis Video Streams, AWS Lambda, AWS Lambda, AWS S3 * Test Data * Transfer and Replication * Text Analytics * Text Analytics (Amazon Comprehend) * Timestamps * Tiering * Time Series Data * Traffic and Security * Training Machine Learning, Training Machine Learning, Amazon EMR, Amazon Glue, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon EMR, Kinesis Data Analytics * Troubleshooting, Serverless networking, Container Management * Use Cases * User Interface Designers * Web Browser * Web Sites * Web Services * Web Services