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Something Cruel Is
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Asteroid and Comme
Pet cloning
Slayed the Survivo
Mad Scramble and B
Honey Badger
We’ve got a lot of
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It's Funny When Pe
Criminal Attorney,
Suck It Up and Sur
That's a bald-face
Cut Off the Head o
Capital investment
I still like to go
Chaos Is My Friend
The Dragon Slayer
This Game Respects Big Moves. How did it happen? The idea for this game was inspired by one of the strangest coincidences of my life. My grandmother’s funeral was in the same week as the Democratic convention. She died while I was at the convention, so I didn’t know until the next day. To avoid losing my mind, I turned on the TV at home. The first thing I saw was a live stream of the Democratic National Convention, which I only used to watch in its entirety when I was younger. I had so many memories of seeing the convention live when I was younger, and that was only strengthened by the fact that I had watched my first presidential election from school since 1996. And I remembered loving it. And then this game popped up. It’s funny how everything happens for a reason, even if I’m not aware of it at the time. When did you start developing for mobile? When did you start developing for mobile? I started developing on mobile devices in 2012 for iPhone, iPad and Android using the Unity3D toolkit. How did you come up with the concept? This is a game that I’ve wanted to make for a long time, and this year I realized that the timing was right. The 2016 election was a perfect opportunity to get these characters out there and I couldn’t pass it up. What made you decide to develop for Android devices? The big switch in technology for development came with the release of Unity 4.x, which made cross platform development easier and more intuitive. So I decided to make my decision based on ease of development and the relative lack of competition in that particular marketplace. What do you think about the future of indie games on Android devices? This is something that we are definitely looking into. I think it will be interesting to see where Apple’s new subscription model takes the industry, and the ability to make “free to play” games which can be monetized in a different way with the same in-game items. What’s next for you? I hope to keep creating games, and I also want to develop at least one more game on mobile. As an indie developer, I’ve always been told that this is not a sustainable business, and I don’t disagree. So making a living as an indie developer is not something that I’m looking to do for a long time, but I will still continue to create games. I will continue working with various organizations to provide services like professional porting and other services that will help support me during this time. Do you have anything you want to say to the Android community? I’m a big supporter of Android gaming, and I’m always willing to try something new to see if it can be done. I think a lot of other developers are like that. Most people don’t want to settle on the one thing that works and is the only thing that’s available. They want to try something new. So if you see one of these games in Google Play or on iOS and you’re thinking “this isn’t quite what I’m looking for”, just give it a shot. If it isn’t what you were expecting, maybe you won’t love it. But if you do, maybe you will look back on it in a few years with fond memories. What do you think about games like the ‘Hanging Around’ game that are similar to Flappy Bird? I don’t think people realize that we aren’t trying to do the same thing. We’ve already covered that in our game descriptions. We weren’t trying to create Flappy Bird but we had our own problems trying to achieve our own goals. These games have their own charm, and sometimes you just need to look beyond the surface to get a better view of the situation. You can find more details about the game on the official Kickstarter page. The developers have reached over $40,000 in pledges, which is a huge milestone for a developer using Kickstarter to find financial success on mobile. Share this article: Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit Pocket Tumblr Pinterest LinkedIn Email Print Like this: Like Loading...