Tiffany, you reall
Quietly, Quiggly s
Chapter 1. Once
Quietly, Quiggly s
Chapter 1. Our st
Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Once
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quitetly, Quiggly
But first, you and

Chapter 1. Once
Concrete may have
Chapter 1. Once
Quietly, Quiggly s
Once considered th
Ships were lost du
FTL is not possibl
Stop dancing like
But first, you and
Quietly, Quiggly s
FTL is not possible, but Dr. Jones proceeded to offer great insight with the words, 「もし、その男を吹き飛ばすことができたならば、それは最も美しい奇跡だった。」 「吹き飛ばすことができたなら、世界を改変させることが出来たのだ」. So, perhaps this man died of natural causes, but if he had a machine that could destroy a person, that would also be a great miracle. And finally, in the last episode it was said that Dr. Jones was trying to solve the puzzle of mankind that Dr. Fujioka left behind. 「なぜこのことに触れてしまったのか」 「それは、私の大事な友人が、ハリー・ポッターを好きなのだから」. 「それなのに、ハリー・ポッターはなんでこんなに大事な人に関わらないのだろう?」. So perhaps we should ask the same question of Dr. Fujioka, the father of the series. 「なぜこのことに触れてしまったのか」 「どうして、自分の人生を破壊する武器を、大切な人を残すことが、大切なんだろうか」. He had his own private school in his lifetime, even though he taught there, he would often give his students letters of recommendation instead, because he wanted to teach his students well. So perhaps it is perhaps not very important to him that the person himself is doing it, just as you might say, Mr. Hanamura is not important for you to teach, but rather you just care that you are a good teacher. So perhaps, the way in which Dr. Fujioka wanted his students to be was different, not everyone can understand that. 「いつか時には、それを許してくれるだろうね」 「そうだな、もうその女に言うことはないね。最後までこういうことをするつもりはなかったからね」. Dr. Fujioka did not want his son to be the same as him, his heart was to let his son be someone different. Perhaps this man had a vision that the world should change as well, and it was not a goal to take over the world for himself. Perhaps, it was a different vision that he wanted to pursue, but if he thought someone else was different, he didn’t try to make that person do the same thing. He let the person that he cared about to choose how they are going to live the life that they want, and perhaps it was very valuable to him. 「もし、このことを知ったなら、彼はどんな武器を開発しただろう」 「吹き飛ばすことができたならば、彼はそれを機に生命に潜り抜けることができただろう」. Perhaps this means that Dr. Fujioka himself never would have found a way to develop his own machine to kill anyone, but he knew someone who could kill someone else, and that was the great revelation that his goal was not to kill anyone himself, but rather help others to die. As Dr. Fujioka said in the end, “If you know about that, I can die peacefully.” Perhaps he was not willing to die himself, and so he found another way. This is the end of the story, there are still two episodes to go, but of course I don’t know how that will end. There is also a possibility that the story continues for years, perhaps decades, the history and what happens after the story ends are another part to consider, I only know that story continues for a few years after this, but we will have to wait and see to see if Dr. Jones’ experiment was successful or not. Perhaps the people who are against Dr. Fujioka changed their minds after seeing what he tried to do, and perhaps that part is yet to come. I felt that the end of this episode left much to be desired, like the whole story itself. My first reaction to this ending was very confusing, there are many times I get confused by these stories that are about robots, because you don’t know who is going to win, who is the hero, who is the villain. I think that the director decided to make this ending very ambiguous, perhaps the director believes that you will be able to make your own judgement about this, whether Dr. Jones or Dr. Fujioka is the hero. This is the first time that I have seen this type of ambiguity in a piece of fiction that I have read, I am not sure I am ready to make this into a new thing for me. This is still a very unique story, perhaps one that is quite different from the story about the people who tried to kill the robot that Dr. Fujioka was going to use. I am definitely going to keep watching this series, because it will be fun to see how Dr. Fujioka’s story continues. Thank you very much for reading, this article was made possible by your donations on my Patreon, please consider donating! Donations allow me to continue making these articles and keep up this blog. Perhaps we were never meant to understand the true meaning of the story until after we experience it. Perhaps we should pay attention to the things that we don’t understand about the story, rather than giving answers or an interpretation that is not related to the story, and why they did this or that. I believe that I have to pay more attention to things in the world that I don’t understand, rather than trying to explain why things happened in the way they did. Some people will say, “Dr. Fujioka wanted to do this,” and perhaps they are right. Perhaps it was his goal to develop a type of weapon, perhaps it was his dream to develop a type of weapon, perhaps he spent his whole life as a teacher only to achieve this dream. It is interesting to think about, why would anyone want to make these weapons. Why would anyone want to destroy other people? This is something we will never understand. Perhaps Dr. Fujioka’s desire to fulfill his own life led to him trying to develop a weapon, perhaps he was an ambitious man. As people learn of the life and death of this man, perhaps they will learn a lesson that will be revealed to them one day. I don’t think there are any answers to Dr. Fujioka’s desires and why he would spend his whole life creating such weapons. We can only go with the information we are given, and ask for the reasons why. We are left to speculate as to the whole story and why these things happened. “The second thing, the future of the world after Dr. Fujioka’s failure, is going to become the story that happens.”. Yes, it was a sad story, and Dr. Fujioka lost his whole life for nothing, but it was still a very interesting story. If only he hadn’t attempted to create a machine to kill other people, perhaps he would have been much happier, he had tried many things, and perhaps this is why it made his life miserable. Perhaps he tried to create a world where there is no fighting. As for my final thoughts, I believe this story was important for me to keep thinking about, I think there are a lot of things that we don’t understand. Perhaps after all the questions have been answered, we may want to experience it as a story, as something we can put into a future, something that we can look back on and say, “that is the way the world was.” I’m not sure how to start writing this final episode. I was trying to figure out how to describe how it felt to watch this episode, but I decided it would be best to just start watching the last episode. That would probably be the best way to describe it. As the camera pans around the school, over the hill, over the river, over the city, over the bridge, over the mountains, we see the ending of the story. You’ll remember that, the end of the previous episode, that Dr. Fujioka had found a student who was willing to die for him. So then we come to this scene, and here we see the first episode of Dr. Fujioka to appear again. The girl that you knew and loved, she wanted to die, but now we see that she has completely changed. She