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Never before seen NES cartridge was found in an attic – by accident This NES cartridge, made in 1982, was found in a box by an 82-year-old man in his attic. But despite numerous investigations, no one was able to discover who the mystery owner of the “Donkey Kong” game was. NES’s owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, finally revealed the story of how he and his two friends discovered the cartridge in his attic. “Three young men from my neighborhood met each other in a subway station in the center of Kiev and immediately became friends,” the man said. “They wanted to get to the same city park and were walking home. We climbed up to an abandoned attic – probably one of the old wooden houses of the 19th century. And there we saw an old NES console and an unopened box of games, which looked like it had never been opened. The box, of course, had its contents exposed, but there was no label on it, so we did not even know which one of the games was contained. We decided to open the box to see what was inside. To our great surprise, one of the games was “Donkey Kong.” “I can’t say how it happened that I opened the cartridge. It turned out that I do not like the game “Donkey Kong.” I could not even finish the first stage of the game,” he said, laughing. “And then we decided to try another game, and we removed “Super Mario Bros.”. But after one or two moves, Mario and his brother had already destroyed the village of the little creatures. We also remembered about how at one time these game boxes were covered with sticky paper or wax. What was written on the back of the package, in fact, remained unreadable after peeling off the glue.” I think everyone remembers that the box included “Donkey Kong,” and it was indeed a game which was difficult to finish, not for me. At that time, for me, all the games looked very bright, very colorful. And the first thought that came to mind was that I had to take the box. But it was not so. After carefully checking the box, we realized that it was very valuable, and we only decided to leave it in a safe place, of course. We put everything back in the attic and came home to report to our families that we had found a whole box of these games.” But then came the day when it became clear that it would be better to have the game. After a few days, my friends were calling me, asking what had I done with the box of games. Then we had a great laugh – and we decided to visit an acquaintance of ours who was one of the specialists on Nintendo and NES. “We looked for him, because at that time I wanted to look at the NES games. I did not even know that there was such a specialist who could look into the game box, if necessary. And he confirmed that the box was worth somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred dollars,” our informant said. “We only understood that the box was priceless after it was sold. After all, today this game is worth about $ 20,000.” In this sense, the man said that he does not see the word “thief” at all, because in his eyes, they did not take anything from anyone, and they did not violate anyone’s interests. Moreover, it was not their intention, as they took the console to play in the attic. “We did not look at the games for ages, because for me, they were not valuable – even with a hundred dollars on them. There are many gamers who cannot even afford such a box of games. If one could not buy the game back then, we gave it to our acquaintance,” our informant said. Now, of course, we know that the box contained an unopened “Donkey Kong.” The original owner was an 82-year-old man from the US named Harry. After a long search for his children, Harry’s sons found the box in a garage. They are now planning to sell the game for the original owner. Harry’s grandson, who still lives in the US, came to Ukraine to collect the game. The man’s friends also received another unopened NES game, which cost them $ 35, but they did not have much fun with it. It turned out to be a “New Rally 2” game for the US. This cartridge and others were stored in an attic for 30 years. The person who found the game said that this box was the only thing he has with him that had something to do with “Donkey Kong.” In his childhood, he worked on a farm and often played the games that his friends brought to school. “Later, in my old age, I started playing at the same arcade where I’d seen other children. I was not interested in anything besides “Donkey Kong.” I bought this game. Then I received a game and I knew that I would have to hide it. But where? After that, I lived for another 15 years and played a lot, but only on the NES,” the man said. “During that time, I sold the game twice, it turned out. When I came to the West, I did not even know that my beloved video game was still in the attic, and at this time I was worried that the game would be lost,” he explained. The man also said that he found in the attic another unopened NES game. “It had “Popeye” on it. “He is a funny guy, isn’t he?” And indeed, today this game cost us $ 100,” the man said. Finally, he concluded his story with a single question: “How could we think that we could leave such an important box with important games in the attic? Perhaps we will not repeat such a stupidity in the future.” The second part of the article appeared yesterday on the website of Kiev Segodnya newspaper. Also read: This game cost $ 100, but a ‘jerk’ has turned it into a millionaire Source: TEN.UA, The Kiev Segodnya