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A Dolt: Script Club? Really? That's just the start. *sits in chair* Hah. That didn't really seem that weird to me, but then again I never used script. Anyway, what's going on? I didn't want to interrupt your talk, but it feels...bad in my head. So I had to come down. I don't remember if we ever talked about the 'bad' in the lab, before, though. Carmen: You want a chat? I'm all ears. Dolt: That doesn't happen often, Carmen. But yes, please. You're a good listener. I can't really talk about the lab without you being there. Carmen: Ok. Come on over. I'm going to bring you something warm to drink. You look cold and tired and sad, and we can't have that. Ok? Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Also I have a question. Does the "candy wrapper" really serve no function in your world? Is there no need for it? It just seems to be floating around, for no reason at all. Is this correct? *thinks* Well, yes and no. It's not useless. The wrapper, I mean. Like it said, it's a little tool, a physical manifestation of one's mental state, if you will. A physical representation of the mind. In my mind, I don't know. And that's the thing, right? The wrapper is like my diary, but as a physical manifestation. And a piece of bread like my body, for the record. In the lab I could speak to its voice, and it could answer me back, but in the world it's silent and cold. Krisi: And why is that? *nods* You know what, I think the questions are coming fast and furiously. I'll answer one, but the next one can wait. Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Also, how many can exist at once? How do you keep from turning into a clusterfuck of sentient brain matter? Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Also, how does one 'live'? Like, do you eat? If so, how? What's food made out of? Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Also, another question: how did you make your friends? That is, how did you make Carmen? She isn't an animal. So how is she made? *sighs* Wow. I feel like a teacher right now. But I'll answer, but it might take a minute. It's hard to organize my thoughts on paper. I hope that's ok. I don't like rambling. -Food is made out of earth and air and water and fire. But humans don't eat dirt and stuff, they eat food. -Carmen? She's, well, she was born, in the lab. In the lab, they grow us, put the right nutrients into the right foods, and inject us with stuff to make us grow up and be useful and learn all the things. My head kind of started in that way, but it was a long way from being a human, to be honest. And it's like I said before, she's one of the first, one of the 'success stories' that I'm pretty sure about. And then the experiment is so fascinating that we had to make sure we had someone to test all the shit we wanted to do to her. -Carmen was born from my own mind. I know that sounds weird. I'll explain better later. Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:And your friends' minds? What are they made of? Are they actually individual, or are they just a pile of neurons as well? Ahem. Yes, a pile of neurons. Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Now, there is a particular question that bothers me. Namely, what language do you speak? Like, what is the 'official' language of your world? That one kind of bugged me for a while. You did say something about that with Carmen, I recall. I don't mean it to be accusatory. I mean, obviously you'd think of an English speaking mind to be the default for this thread, but it does feel like a huge oversight not to get to know something about it. And that's especially a little suspect since I can tell you have a grasp of English grammar and spelling from your response. So you understand it but...? Carmen: I do? How? *sighs* I'm sorry. I don't know why I get a little frustrated when I think about this. Carmen, I know what you think of my brain at the moment, and I don't have the energy to do any more about it right now. *stares at the empty space in front of her* Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Well, I may be a little biased, but I think my question deserves a reply. So, what is your species called? Carmen: You want me to name myself? Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Well, yeah. In a metaphorical sense, you could say you're a human. But it seems too much of a coincidence that humans exist in this world. Carmen: I'm not sure what a 'coincidence' is. Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Well, ok, then. Why don't you name yourself something simple, I don't know, something less...obvious? How about 'cat'? I'm sure 'cat' would be the only word in your language that would seem fitting, especially considering the presence of a cat (so, something with fur and hooves and those things? It doesn't have to be specific) in your lab. Carmen: All right. But I'm just a little bit insulted at your request. Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:No need to be offended. It was a simple question. I don't care what you're called. Carmen: You don't care about the question? Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:It's only that, if it's an Earth-type world, and there aren't any cat aliens here for you to kill, then who's going to eat those earthworms. They can't all be me? *sighs* I don't know. Do you want me to just tell you a little about the 'official' language? Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Well, of course, but I mean, like...what you say on the inside. Carmen: Why? It's probably pretty obvious how language works, I hope. It's not like you can't understand it. Your own thoughts are a form of language. Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Well, yeah, I know about your thoughts, and I know they're not supposed to be 'language'. But since you do have thoughts of 'language', and since the thoughts are the only 'language' you have at all, it seems hard not to consider them language. Carmen: But that would mean that my thoughts would be 'speech', not 'language'. You'd expect something like that from an animal, not a human. Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Well, it just makes sense to me that speech, of some form, exists as the basic unit of a language. I mean, you do say it yourself in your thoughts and your dreams, so it must be doing something. Or does it? Does a language have to have words for that? Maybe I've been wrong about this the whole time. *sighs* I'd think a language has to have words. But that's just my prejudice. It's not like I have proof of that. Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:I don't know what else it would be then. Carmen: Maybe something more like dreams than speech. *sighs* You know, Napalm, I think you're pretty confused. My brain isn't like a book that you can read and just start at page 1 and go from there. Everything's a mess, to be honest. And I've been very busy. There's so much I have to do. *puts her head in her hands* *moans* *sighs* Do you want to talk about what it's like to be made? I can tell you it wasn't great, but that's the general idea of it. Napalm (not currently at home) wrote:Hm, ok. If you don't want to talk about it, how about giving me your perspective on what happened when they put you together? Like, how did it go? Carmen: So I was part of a group of a few dozens people, who were each given names that, while not completely random, weren't intended to tell us their identity. So I didn't know what my name was, but I knew I wasn't the first in the line, and I knew I wasn't the last