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Out for Blood
One of Those 'Coach Moments' in Your Life. Let's be honest, coaches can be hard on you. What's worse is when it comes to one of those 'coach moments' in your life! A coach will call you a coward or selfish and can be very critical of you when things aren't going well in a game. However, how we react to that kind of feedback can make or break our performance in a game. Let's be clear, this is coaching, not bashing your head in with a pipe. The main focus here is to work as a team and have fun when the game is done. This is where you have to look in the mirror and understand that you're part of a team and not a lone ranger on your own. As a leader you have to be supportive of all players on your team. Think about it like this, your team wants you to be there as a coach. They love you. Most of the time, they care more about winning than they do about you. You have to understand that they love being coached in order to win. If they didn't you would have been traded to the NBA long ago. You must try to build a relationship with your players. Your job is to be there to help them become better basketball players and not to be a bully. If your coaching style is too hard on your players then you're forcing them to hide from you and most will do just that. You have to take your own lessons to heart and be a better leader. A good coach builds a bond with his players. They can accept criticism and not let it interfere with their performance. Do you? The Game This will vary from coach to coach. When I coach a basketball team I get two things, a 'win' and a 'love'. The love is for each other and myself. To the players, the love I get for my team is huge and that's what builds me as a coach. I want my players to feel a deep love for me and each other. I want my players to understand that there's something about being on a team that can only be accomplished by doing it as a team. The love we share will get the job done. The love will carry us and allow us to play to our full potential. I always say if it doesn't feel good and taste good you're not doing it right. These things will help you enjoy the game and be excited when it's time to play! To my team, the 'win' is just as important. They see their coach is giving everything he's got. They love that feeling of victory, of knowing that they've done their best at all times. I love to see my team work hard to the point of exhaustion and then giving me that look when they know they've given their all in that game. This is also the place where you see how dedicated each player is on that team. You get to know the guys on your team better by spending time with them outside of the court. Watching them during games and their practices is great. But watching them when you're off the court is even more revealing. I know when we go on our trip this summer, I'm going to have to watch out for these players! If I see that they're partying hard when they're not with me on the court, it'll show that they're not really committed to the team. The team will be better off when the game is over and I know my players can enjoy the game for themselves. On a side note, the only time I'd let my players party is during our off-season or if we play an exhibition game against the local college's first team. Other than that, I want them to have fun and enjoy the game. This goes for all ages. It's good to hang out with your friends and have fun, but do so after the game is over. Enjoy the game! Remember, don't be selfish in order to have fun, it's selfish to do that. You play the game for fun and when it's done, the work begins. Play your best and have fun at the same time. Remember, when you're off the court the only people that matter are your teammates. Keep that in mind and most of all have fun! Comments No HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. sending AUTHOR Miguel Hernandez 7 years agofrom Ontario, Canada Thank you for your support, Sivad. I appreciate your comments. I'm sure you are happy that your wife played basketball so you can learn the game from a coach. Hopefully you don't get stuck with a coach who's too hard on you and your teammates. I appreciate your support. Sivad Vazquez 7 years agofrom Philippines Your article was pretty interesting and I found it interesting how basketball is played nowadays with all the rules changes by the referees. Now you have a great coach for your team. How did your wife learn to play basketball? The coach? This website uses cookies As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. To provide a better website experience, uses cookies (and other similar technologies) and may collect, process, and share personal data. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. 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