Sumo at Sea
Suck It Up Butterc
Suck It Up and Sur
Stupid People, Stu
Stuck in the Middl
Straw That Broke T
Stir the Pot!
Still Throwin' Pun
Still Holdin' On

Surprise Enemy Vis
Swimming With Shar
Swoop In For The K
Taking Candy From
Taste the Victory
Tastes Like Chicke
Tell a Good Lie, N
Thanks for the Sou
That Girl is Like
Surprise and...Surprise Again! Surprise and what should happen to them? In a room, it’s a girl who was hiding behind a door, ready to leave the room and pretend to be someone else. And in the other room, a guy was sitting, doing what it seems was just for fun. Then the girl saw him, came closer and saw the gun. She turned pale, and screamed. Then the guy pointed the gun to her direction and began blaming her for his lost job, not even knowing the role he played in it. He was blaming her for his wife not getting good money, for his wife’s depression, and that he hated it because she’d made him do all this. And as he’d begun yelling, he got even more worried and had gotten upset with her so much that his gun went off. And shot her. And because of that the girl died. A week after the funeral, the husband was found dead too. The crime scene experts examined the scene to confirm their suspicions, and they confirmed that the guy, who was a hitman, was the killer. How? Well, the gun. But in the other hand, there was a second woman who was shot dead in the hospital. She had a heart disease, and had just gotten it diagnosed. But the doctors had told her that there was nothing to do. And as the day had passed, she decided to die and escape her illness, and her fate. And she made a last wish before she died, which was to come to the room where her husband, who was once a hitman, now died. And the last person she would have expected was her husband. She saw him sitting, looking down, and with a smile on his face. He looked so happy, like she was still alive, but as she tried to reach him, he looked up at her, saw the gun he kept hidden, and he turned around, and aimed the gun in the right direction and shot her. And he died. In a room, there was a boy who had just found his mom dying. But before the doctor gave her the last injection, the mother had told her son to shoot her. In her last breath, she’d said, “shoot me.” The doctors believed that this would cure her illness. And the boy, who hated his mother, agreed with her. He heard her final wish, and as he looked at her dying lips, saw the gun he kept hidden behind his back, aimed it at her mouth and shot. He didn’t know whether he hit or not, but as he leaned over his mother’s deathbed, he closed her eyes with tears, wished she was still alive. And she was. And his mum had just given him an extra month to make a wish. And he wished for the same disease to kill him. How? As it turned out, he’d been taking his mother’s medicine which made him feel like he was burning up. And since he had no other symptoms of that illness, and no friends to check for him, he was just left with his mum’s medicine as all he had to escape the disease. But he was in a hurry. And so he had asked the doctor to fast-track his medicine which needed to be taken at specific times and not a day later. But the doctor couldn’t forget it, and so, he decided to do it himself, since he wasn’t going to waste any time, and just asked him to take it an hour later as he felt he needed some. The boy then got what he wanted – the medicine and the time. A man who was dying from a heart attack was in a hospital. The lady doctor who was doing the treatments was a bit scared about him. Since she knew he was a man who only loved fast cars, he had never liked medicines, so whenever he got such medicines, he would go through violent and crazy rants, which were dangerous for the doctors, since his heart wasn’t in that condition. So she tried to help him. She gave him a few medicines in smaller doses, and tried to calm him down, but he just didn’t like that. And eventually, he threw her on the wall and ran away. As she went out to look for him, she saw that there was something really shocking. It was his car, in which he was dead. His heart had given in, and his car had been in need of a mechanic, so he was waiting for a mechanic to come so that he could give him a heart attack, so he would die. The guy, who was the man who’d given the gun to the hitman was a nurse. He was told that he had lost his job. He didn’t like it, but he tried to be happy. And he decided to move to a different city to live and start working on something else. And he went far away. And once there, he found a new job at a hospital. He knew no one in the city, so he decided to go out for a walk. And he met an old lady with a bag on his hand, who asked him to give it to her sister, who was going to the hospital. And she went with him, and gave him his new job. And he began the next day. And he was really happy for the first time, and was making plans to himself. A man and his wife were in a room, and the man looked like he had taken the world’s second strongest acid trip. He couldn’t see properly, and he had seen a ghost too. He was really afraid, and was talking to the ghost too, since he was also afraid of ghosts. And they were both running through the house, looking for the closet. They found the closet, and saw a baby there. They tried to climb over the closet and get to the baby. And then the man noticed that his wife was gone. The man was horrified, and was asking the ghost where his wife was, who was just a bit further up from them. The ghost had then answered that the wife was standing right behind the husband, and then he gave a smile. And he turned into a monster, and killed his wife. And then, he started strangling the ghost. A man had just got a new partner, who was just like him. And so, they decided to buy a new house. But one day, they went to a car show. And after that, they went to a drive-in movie theater. And as the one week had passed, they decided to have an overnight marriage in the park. And there they were, being so romantic, like they were real lovers. And then, the guy ran up to the other guy’s car and checked his stuff, and he saw that the other guy’s car was missing one thing – its license plate. And he was missing his. So they started looking for each other in the park, and it was a long time they were looking for each other. Until they saw a car wash, and thought they could meet there, and then they decided to get married in their new car wash. The guy’s eyes started looking like they were looking through a tunnel. And he asked the doctor if he had any headache. And he said he did, so the doctor gave him some medicine. The man was not happy, but he took it. He was afraid, since he knew that he was going to die from a heart attack, and he tried to ask for some time to enjoy his wife. And the doctor was just trying to help him. And he told him that he should go home, that his wife wasn’t leaving him that easy. And he gave him some more time. But since he was dying, and was afraid of dying, he ran away, and ran through the park. And then, there was a group of people, and they were all telling their tales to their kids. And they were all talking about their stories and how to make their sons fall in love with them. Each one of them was planning how to make their kids fall in love with them and fall into their trap. So, each one of them was trying to make the other person fall in love with them, so that they can get married. And they were all smiling. And then there was one guy who was going crazy thinking about the first guy he had made fall in love with him, and then suddenly, a woman appeared, and told them that she didn’t have the money they had asked her for. So they had started teasing her. And they didn’t let her get through their trap. And they teased her and started getting close to her, and she was so scared that she ran away from them. A man, who didn’t know the ways of love, met a woman who was his enemy. And he saw that she loved herself too much, and that she was so lonely. And then he thought she would