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Dark Crystal Therapy and healing from past traumas. Many clients have had a past experience that they associate with trauma, and it is so painful that they do not want to relive it. The trauma could have been sexual abuse, physical abuse, or emotional abuse. Another person could have caused the trauma. The client could have committed a murder or been raped. These and other traumas are so painful that the individual doesn’t want to relive them. Although she has to go through the experience in her life review or shadow body, she doesn’t want to have to go through it again and again and again as her clients do. That’s why she has learned to use the power of her emotions in a different way so that she can work with it. She sees that her emotions are something she has control over and that she can transform them. If you are a therapist who is afraid to touch this powerful energy or deal with it, you are not an energy worker at all, and you will likely be unable to do your job effectively. When I was in college I had a part-time job working at a child psychiatric day clinic, which meant that I would help out one day each week at the clinic. Most of the time I just hung out with the kids. I often worked at a table doing homework with children who were in the waiting room. I remember one little girl who was about 7 or 8 years old who had been admitted to the hospital for a nervous breakdown. She was a very troubled little girl. I remember that she sat at the table with a paper and pencil and started to draw the most vicious picture I have ever seen. It was of a dead, mutilated baby or child. She drew the head off, the chest, the legs. Then she stabbed the knife into the body over and over again. Finally I said, “I’m going to have to take this pencil and rip the paper out of your hand.” I did it, and then when I was sure she could never get it back together again, I asked her, “Now, why are you doing that? What’s going on?” I started from the beginning with an apology. I said, “I’m sorry that you were so upset that you felt the need to hurt yourself.” She replied, “I did not want to hurt myself. I was dreaming, and when I woke up my mom was having sex with a man.” I said, “Oh.” I was taken aback. I was not prepared for this at all. Then she opened up and told me what her mother had been doing. She said that they had been taking off her clothes and that she had to touch her mom’s body. She said that when she asked her mom to stop, she was told to shut up. She had been telling her mom for years that she didn’t want to have sex, and her mom never believed her. When she did have sex with a man, she went crazy. She talked about that part and then cried, saying that she had cried so much she had gone blind. When she said that, I had a flash to my childhood. I remembered that I didn’t want to be touched by my mother, but when I would cry, she would tell me that was all for the best. It was my karma. She told me that when I would cry she was sad and that was all part of the healing process. There are certain situations when we as therapists and healers cannot help, and you will know them if you pay attention to your clients. One of those is when a client is not ready to look at her trauma and deal with it. The client does not want to go through her fear, her sadness, or her depression. For example, many of my female clients who have experienced sexual abuse are not willing to go into it. They simply don’t want to have their past trauma or abuse become a part of their present lives and present selves. If we as therapists can recognize the signs of this, we can do things to help the client in her time of need. We don’t have to let her go ahead and continue to repeat the patterns and the results of the past. When you get to the point of wanting to stop, you need to think about why you are stopping. There are no wrong questions. If she tells you she doesn’t want to look at her trauma, she is telling you that she has an issue that is bigger than herself. You can help your client deal with her emotions, but when she gets to the point of saying no to her own emotions, she is not ready to go any further. If you are a therapist, you can help a client if you take care of yourself first. When you hear that the client doesn’t want to go into her trauma, you need to let it go. You can help her go into it if you are truly interested and compassionate. If you hear that she doesn’t want to go any further, ask her to look at your hand. Ask her to touch your hand, and tell her that you want to give her energy. Tell her that you can heal her trauma. As a therapist who is also a spiritually evolved healer, you need to take time to look inside yourself. How can you heal yourself? If you ask the client, “Would you like a healing session?” then she is going to say no. But if you take the time to look inside yourself and heal yourself, then you can bring that energy into your clients and give her the power to heal herself. If the client doesn’t want to touch you and doesn’t want to look inside, she might want to cry. If the client wants to cry, you can work with that and see if you can get her to look inside. Don’t feel that you have to go ahead and confront the client. Some clients want to cry before they deal with the emotions. If this is the case, then there is nothing wrong with her crying. I had one client who had just been raped and beaten up and was quite distraught. She came to my office to get a healing session. She was in a lot of pain. The more she cried, the more she hurt inside. She cried until she was so tired that she finally fell asleep. I didn’t want to leave her there alone. I walked out to the main hall, which was near my office, and started to put on some healing music. I called a few of the children who were there to get some healing energy. I called one child who was on the first floor of the building. When I asked her what was going on with my client, she said that the energy in my client’s room was extremely dark. It was like a black cloud was in the room, and everyone in the building was feeling the energy of the rape. I asked if I could go in there and help my client, and she said that it was forbidden. I didn’t want to go in there. I was afraid, so I went to the window and watched. I decided that I would try to send out some positive energy so that the energy would not have the opportunity to get any worse. When you start to make things better, the situation gets even worse. If you try to help a client, you are not helping her. You’re only making the situation worse. When I saw what was happening with the energy of the rapist, I thought of my client, who had just had her world turned upside down. I started to send energy out to my client, who was being raped by a rapist. I started sending out some energy, and all of the other children were sending out energy. I called another kid, and she told me that her energy got stronger and that my energy was the strongest she had ever felt. The energy of the rapist and the other kids was turning into a shield. It was getting stronger and stronger, and I was not going to leave my client out there alone. I started to visualize myself as my client, being raped by this man. I saw myself crying, sobbing, fighting. It was so painful that my whole body started to shake. That was the only way to bring my energy back in. After a couple of minutes, my energy was so thick that the rapist and the other children couldn’t even get near it. I sent it all to my client. I saw her crying, her nose red and swollen. My energy came back to me as I was crying. I could see the tears of all the children. I decided that I needed to call the police, and I called the police and told them that I was in a building that was being invaded by negative energy. I wanted them to know that it was a woman’s energy and that it was a strong energy. It was a big building, so I thought they would know who to find. They took my name and the address. They told me that they would come by the building and check it out. After the police came, I stayed and watched for about 30 minutes. I was very happy that they came and did what they could to help. They couldn’t even make a dent in it, but at least they knew what was going on. It did stop for a while. Then it started again. I walked into the room and found that one of the kids was sending out good energy. I was thinking about how I could make things better, and then the next thing I knew I was making things better. I was sending out